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This week we’re speaking with Katee Pedicini from Holistic Endurance. Katee is passionate about sports, health and overall wellness. We love her approach and can’t wait to partner with her on events in future. Take a look at the end of an exciting event you can get involved with!

Name: Katee Pedicini
Occupation/ business: Endurance Coach at Holistic Endurance
Hometown: Mornington, VIC

Give us your elevator pitch. What does your business do?

We aim to train and support our athletes and ourselves using holistic principles for optimal performance outcomes while maintaining a balanced, nourished and happy life.
Delivering high-quality personalised programs and service incorporating traditional styles, modern research and innovative approaches formed from forward-thinking.
Why did you start your business?

In an attempt to fill the gaps in my life I found Triathlon. I found an identity, I found confidence, I found joy, I found me. 

So off I went filling the gaps in my life with hard arse training sessions and equally brutal races. I now had identity, confidence, joy and a sense of self – BUT, eventually, I was robbed.

I was robbed of energy, vitality and motivation. My estrogen was pulled one way and testosterone the other. My body responded with a hormonal mess of pimple breakouts, weight gain and endless tears.

As a result of this experience, I have met too many endurance athletes experiencing excessive fatigue and hormonal imbalance, coupled with poor performance.

I simply can not sit back any longer. My purpose is to share my passion & knowledge of endurance training, hormonal health, nutritional wellness and injury rehabilitation.

I have found energy, I have found vitality, I have found motivation and MORE.
I want this for endurance athletes everywhere. To pursue your love of endurance training, managing fatigue, stress and hormones to result in optimum performance.

What does wellness mean to you?

Wellness is the all-encompassing health of digestion, hormones, nutrition and exercise for stable moods and energy that all provide us with the vitality to take on life activities that fill us up with BLISS and to then handle all the messy things that life throws at us.
What are your three top health tips?

  1. Listen to what the signals your body is sending to you. Like REALLY listen.
  2. Meditation is the solution to everything. Seriously.
  3. Respect and get to know the difference between slowing down and calming down
    What are three pieces of advice you would give to someone looking to make healthy changes in their lifestyle?

    1. Do what FEELS right for you, not what the internet tells you is right for you.
    2. ONE action step at a time. Nail it. Then tackle the next action step
    3. Build a support network of trusted advisors and mentors

    Tell us, with an anecdote, why your business has changed your life?

    I get to watch the sunrise with sand between my toes, I order an almond milk coffee to “have here”, I observe while others rush, I will never really ‘work’ another day in my life. Essentially I’m my own #girlboss and I get to choose when I wear big girl panties or strip off and do a nudie run.

    How do you manage a work/life balance?

    Time management is my ‘thang’ I literally rock at it. But the keys to my personal and business health have been the following:

    • Starting later on a Monday morning and having more ‘ME’ time
    • Shutting down the computer/work mode at 2 pm on a Friday.
    • No emails Saturday or Sunday
    • 2 x email check times on weekdays.
    • Keeping my home office as my office and the rest of my house as my personal space. The two don’t blend.
    • Flagged email system literally saved my life

    The best book to read for better health and wellness?

    The Hormone Cure: Sara Gottfried

    Your favourite inspiration/ motivation/ lifestyle quote?

    Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us

    The four words that best describe your business?

    Integrative, Individualised, Passionate and Holistic.

    Big thanks to Katee for sharing with us!

    To contact Katee or learn more about her wellness approach, visit:

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