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This is a great drink to consume first thing in the morning to wake up your liver and kick-start your metabolism for the day. It is a potent source of vitamin C and is a wonderful immunity drink to make and enjoy year round. As this is a kvass, it is intended that you only consume the liquid. You can make a second batch using the same ingredients that are left in the jar. Just add more kefir starter and refill again with water.



  1. Place the carrots, orange rind (peeled from the orange using a vegetable peeler), ginger and kefir in a 2 L fermenting jar and top up with water.
  2. Cover with a cheesecloth and leave to ferment for 3 days.
  3. When the fermentation time is up, stir with a wooden spoon and strain the liquid into another glass jar or bottle and store in the fridge.
  4. You can then add another ½ cup kefir and more filtered water and ferment the initial ingredients a second time to yield another 2 litres of Kvass before starting again from scratch.


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